We believe it is one of our best efforts to date! It’s more than twice as light, twice as pristine, simpler, prettier, and vastly more powerful. It’s simply better.”
Almost everything. Our existing algorithms were rebuilt completely from the ground up. Of course we kept the best parts of our original design, but we effectively rethought everything. We rebuilt Breeze using new techniques learned from the past 7 years of experience and countless hours of math and science RnD. Any techniques that remain from 1.0 have been vastly improved. Many new techniques that are completely unique to Breeze 2.0 have been added.
Essentially the DSP core that make our reverbs sound as good as they do has been rewritten and taken to the next level. 15 seconds of listening to the demo will undeniably confirm this. At the same time we employed new optimization knowledge learned working on our innovative product Kaleidoscope and Breeze 2 has now become one of the most efficient reverbs on the market